Friday, March 24, 2017

Day 6 - Beijing Sight Seeing Day 2

When we asked our guide,, Jessie what her favorite place to take people to in Beijing - the Great Wall was her easy answer.  This is the Mutianyu portion of the wall.  This was Zachary's favorite thing to see so far as well.  A ski lift to the top makes the climb easy; and then a mountain coaster down was so much fun. On a side note, Jeff dropped the camera on top of the wall and somehow it didn't break-- yeah Cannon!!

One of our favorite things from a previous trip was a tour of the Hutong District of Beijing. This is an area of Beijing that has been protected and set aside for the 'common people' so that the city doesn't loose it roots.  It functions a lot like a campground in the United States. There are areas for public rest rooms as most homes do not have one.  We were invited into someone's home for a tour and a traditional Chinese meal that they prepared for us. It was excellent. This home was passed onto the man who hosted us through his family and originally his grandfather owned it.  His Grandfather was a painter for the last emperor of China so he was wealthy.

Another family was touring with us today.  They brought their two biological children and would be adopting their son after they toured Beijing and went to his province.

The food was excellent--almost as good as Henry and May's in Jonestown.
This man's relative has a studio on site where she paints the inside of bottles.

From the outside they do not look like much; but each door leads to a courtyard and a unique and quaint way of life inside.

There is  park behind the Forbidden City which sits atop a man made mountain and has five watchtowers which represent the 5 directions.  North, South, East, West, Center (I know, that one stumped me too).  The mountain was made from the material that was dug up when the moat around the Forbidden City was made. This is a great way to look down into the City.  The part closest to us would have been for only the emperor and his concubines and is the most heavily guarded part.  As you move farther away from us other members of the court would stay and work. Notice smog is still an issue in the rapidly industrializing country.

At entrance to Jingshan Park - This park is on a mountain that was made from dirt that was removed from around The Forbidden City when they dug the moat.  When we climbed to the top, we got an amazing view of the entire Forbidden City. Jeff and Jodi had been inside the Forbidden City during Andrew's adoption, but seeing it from above was just as fantastic.  Just wish there wasn't so much smog in China - would make it easier to view. 

Some down time in the hotel.
Wen wearing Madeline's glasses.

Wen likes to swim - yeah!!  She just needs some time to learn how to swim on her own.  She hasn't had much opportunity to swim in her life, so this summer should be fun at our pool as we teach her to swim. 

Zachary has been a great help this trip. It is so awesome to witness
such growth in your child - these moments make us very proud.

To end our last night in Beijing, Jodi, Madeline, and Zachary stayed at the hotel to do some laundry and get packed up.  Jeff and Wen ventured outside the hotel to find some dinner.  There was a street just outside our hotel nicknamed "Snack Street."  It is closed off to cars and is only for pedestrians.  It reminded Jeff of Times Square.  There were tons of restaurants and people in the streets. 

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